Lebanon Christians Attacked, Church Stoned, By Angry Muslims

Lebanon’s Interior Minister resigned late Sunday, February 5, after an estimated 20,000 angry Muslims not only torched the Danish Embassy but also attacked the Christian community in the capital Beirut over published cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad.

Christians in Pakistan Fear More Violence Over Cartoon Row

Christians in Pakistan feared more attacks against them Sunday, February 5, after at least one church was attacked by militants as anger spreads throughout the Muslim world over Prophet Mohammad cartoons in European media.

Egyptian Sisters Win Christian Identity

Two young Coptic Christian women whose father had converted to Islam when they were infants have won a court battle in Egypt to retain their official religious identity as Christians.

Palestinian Militants Threaten Churches and Close EU Office Over Cartoons

Armed Islamic groups angered by cartoon drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad in European media, threatened to attack churches and closed down the European Union Commission office in Gaza Thursday, February 2, as anger over the published caricatures spread across the Muslim world.

Eritrean Military Jails 75 Protestant Conscripts

Eritrean military authorities jailed 75 Protestant Christians yesterday at the Sawa Military Training Camp for ‘reading Bibles and praying during their free time,’ local sources in the small East Africa nation confirmed.

British Government’s Religious Hatred Law Defeated

The British Government was considering its options Wednesday, February 1, after parliament voted against its version of a religious hatred bill, amid pressure from evangelical Christians and others who feared the law could lead to religious persecution.

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