Laos Authorities Slaughter Livestock Christian Families

Several impoverished Christian families in a rural area of Laos were without livestock Sunday, July 12, after authorities slaughtered the animals because they refused to renounce their faith, religious rights investigators said.

India Hindu Militants Attack Missionary School, Christians Say

Staff of a missionary school in India’s eastern state of Andhra Pradesh faced another day of anxiety Thursday, July 8, after Hindu militants attacked and threatened to kill them for allegedly converting Hindus to Christianity, Christians said.

Bulgaria’s ‘Badman’ Wins Parliamentary Poll

Bulgaria’s main center-right opposition party said Monday, July 6, it would launch coalition talks after winning the country’s first parliamentary elections since it joined the European Union in 2007. The governing Socialists were defeated following several corruption scandals and concerns over the economy.

NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Christian Families In Hiding After Violence

Christian families in a volatile area of Pakistan’s Punjab province were in hiding Saturday, July 4, after angry Muslim mobs burned and attacked hundreds of Christian homes and churches, injuring over a dozen people, including women and children, witnesses said.

China House Church Challenges Closure In Court

A Chinese house church in Chengdu province said Thursday, July 2, it had file a law suit against local authorities for closing their congregation, a case they hope will positively impact stimulate groups across China.

Somalia militants Behead Christian Father’s Sons

Muslim militants have beheaded two young boys in Somalia because their Christian father refused to hand over information about a church leader, a Christian news agency reported Wednesday, July 1.

Chinese Christians Concerned Over Plight Detained Bible Printers

Chinese Christians on Wednesday, July 1, were awaiting the international community to “pray and act” on behalf of jailed Christian house church leader Shi Weihan and six of his associates who have been sentenced to prison terms for allegedly printing Bibles and Christian books without government approval, their supporters said.

Zanzibar Christians Fear More Attacks After Church Burnings, Evictions

Christians on Tanzania’s Zanzibar Island anticipated more attacks against them Wednesday, July 1, as two churches were reportedly burned over the weekend by suspected militants opposing the spread of Christianity on the Muslim dominated semi-autonomous territory.

Worthy Christian News