Another U.S. Missionary Doctor Contracts Ebola in Liberia

Another American doctor in Liberia has been infected with the Ebola virus, according to Sudan Interior Mission, an international organization with more than 1,600 active missionaries, including the latest infected physician.

Gen. McInerney: “We Helped Build ISIS” (Video)

General Thomas McInerney acknowledged that the United States “helped build ISIS” as a result of the group obtaining weapons from the Benghazi consulate in Libya which was attacked by jihadists in September 2012 in an interview with Fox News.

Iran Vows to ‘Save’ al-Aqsa mosque from ‘Zionists’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that Iran “will use all of its capabilities” to save the “al-Aqsa Mosque” and would not allow the Mosque to remain “under the occupation of usurpers and aggressors.”

Saudis Consider Plans to Move Tomb of Muhammad

One of Islam’s most revered holy sites – the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad – could be destroyed and his body removed to an anonymous grave under plans which threaten to spark discord across the Muslim world.

Israel Bolsters Forces Near Syrian Border

Fierce fighting between Syrian rebel and government forces over the strategic Quneitra crossing on the Golan Heights has compelled Israel to up its readiness in the area.

Feds’ Bulletin Warns of Terrorist Threat on Border

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.

Is the World Prepared to be Implanted?

Is the world subtly being prepared for implantation of a microchip? This weekend, Fox News ran the headline, “Is there a microchip implant in your future?”

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