Texas Republicans Could Take New Stand on Same-Sex Marriage

Racing both a U.S. Supreme Court decision on gay marriage and legislative deadlines, Texas Republicans pushed ahead Tuesday toward putting the state at the forefront of resistance if same-sex weddings are ruled constitutional.

Israel Army Says Hezbollah Hiding 100,000 Missiles

The Lebanese group Hezbollah has built up a massive arsenal of rockets and other advanced weapons in Shi’ite villages of southern Lebanon, a senior Israeli intelligence official said Wednesday, warning civilians would be at risk if war breaks out.

Vatican Officially Recognizes Palestinian State

The Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in a new treaty finalized Wednesday, immediately sparking Israeli ire and accusations that the move hurt peace prospects.

Obama Calls on Israel to Pursue Two-State Solution

U.S. President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he looks to the incoming Israeli government and the Palestinians to show a “genuine commitment to a two-state solution” and asserted that an agreement will have to resolve the humanitarian conflict caused by last summer’s war in the Gaza Strip.

Judgment Day for the U.S. Surveillance State

Last week saw the first response to the issue by an appeals court outside the country’s secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court: The court ruled that the U.S. government’s long-held justification for the National Security Agency’s (NSA) bulk collection of Americans’ phone records and other data is illegal under the USA Patriot Act.

Fatah-Hamas Unity Government Collapsing

The fluid and rapidly changing dynamics of politics in the Middle East, where allegiances can shift dramatically, is impacting Palestinian politics and the biggest loser appears to be the Fatah-affiliated Palestinian Authority (PA) which is losing support amongst its followers and being sidelined by Hamas.

A new world order? Putin and Xi put friendship on display

At first sight, things look very different now. When President Xi Jinping of China took pride of place next to Vladimir Putin of Russia on Saturday, they looked like any other modern world leaders: pragmatic men-in-suits, full of smiles, temporary possessors of power rather than dictators-for-life.

NATO military exercises aim to send message of resolve to Russia

NATO countries are staging massive air, land and sea exercises across Russia’s northern borders this month in response to warnings from the Kremlin and strategic analysts that President Vladimir Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons are more than bluster.

Could Science Help Ban Abortions?

Premature babies are surviving earlier than in the Roe v. Wade era, potentially shifting the Supreme Court’s guidepost of when abortion can legally be banned.

U.S. Marks National Day of Prayer

With “Lord, Hear Our Cry” as its theme, organizers of the 64th National Day of Prayer invited Americans to raise their voices in prayer on Thursday.

Netanyahu Secures Coalition at the Last Moment

Less than two hours before his deadline was set to expire on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hammered out a deal with Jewish Home party leader Naftali Bennett, allowing him to inform President Reuven Rivlin that he had successfully cobbled together a 61-seat coalition — the narrowest of Knesset majorities.

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