Lawmakers, advocates push to reveal extent of surveillance

Even though the bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records has ended, calls and emails are still being swept up by U.S. surveillance work targeting foreigners. Congress is making a renewed push to find out how many.

Hamas, Israel agree to de-escalation

A general agreement has been reached between the warring sides after tremendous mediation effort by international parties in recent days and a great number of messages exchanged via intermediaries.

Donald Trump breaks the GOP

It was as shocking as it was predictable after a year of slow-motion buildup — the dramatic splitting apart of the Grand Old Party in the 72 hours after Donald Trump became its presumptive nominee.

Dead Sea oil reservoir ‘entirely within Israel’ says company

An Israeli company authorized to drill an oil reservoir near the Dead Sea, recently evaluated to contain NIS 1.2 billion worth of fuel, stressed Sunday that the area is located entirely inside Israel, which it said was a response to Arab media reports that the site stretched into Palestinian territory.

White House official admits fudging of facts to sell Iran deal

A senior official in the Obama administration acknowledged that the background to nuclear talks with Iran was misrepresented in order to sell the impression of a more moderate Iranian regime and thus gain greater American public support for an agreement.

Israel pauses to remember millions murdered in Holocaust

Israelis across the country paused for two minutes Thursday morning in memory of the six million Jews who perished in Europe under Nazi rule as an air raid siren pierced the clear blue sky in an annual marking of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

U.S., Russia announce ceasefire in Aleppo

A partial ceasefire in the Syrian province of Aleppa was reached Wednesday by the United States and Russia, in hopes it will reduce violence that has flared up after a two-month lull.

Germany pushes for European army

Germany is pushing for a European army in the 28-member EU bloc, according to a white paper put forward by the German government. The army is envisaged to have a joint headquarters and shared military plans.

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