Christian Massacre Survivor Set Free in Karachi

Forty-eight hours after Karachi police abducted Robin Peranditta from the grounds of the Sindh High Court, the traumatized survivor of last month’s deadly Christian massacre is now confirmed to be released from police custody.

Laskar Jihad Disbands?

Laskar Jihad, the extremist Islamic group responsible for much of the violence in Central Sulawesi and the Malukus, has announced that it is disbanding.

Vietnam: Hmong Believers in Crucible of Persecution

Reports out of Vietnam indicate that tribal believers, especially among the Hmong, are being cruelly pressured by the government to give up their faith and return to animism.

They Sang in their Cells in Bangladesh Despite Persecution

Three Gospel for Asia Bible school students in Bangladesh were sharing Christ in the village of Vasu during a six-month ministry assignment. Muslim extremists, angry to see a Gospel witness in their village, went to the police with false claims that the young men were terrorists.

Karachi Gunmen Murder Pakistani Welfare Workers

Armed gunmen attacked a Pakistani Christian welfare organization in Karachi this morning, then escaped after killing seven Christians and leaving an eighth critically injured.

Indonesia: Christians Outraged Over Arrest of Their Leader

Christians in Indonesia are outraged over the arrest of one of their leaders, Renaldy Damanik, General Secretary of the Christian Synod in Central Sulawesi and a hard-working, long-time peace advocate.

Brunei Christians Face Government Intimidation

LOS ANGELES, July 5 (Compass) — Officers from Brunei’s Internal Security Department (ISD) have questioned indigenous church leaders during the last few months about an organized prayer program authorities are concerned is a threat to the stability of the Southeast Asian Muslim sultanate.

UN Envoy Rushes To Prevent Execution Afghanistan Aid Workers

KABUL/BUDAPEST, (ANS) — The United Nations special envoy to Afghanistan rushed to the country’s Capital Kabul Saturday (August 11), to prevent the execution of 24 aid workers, who have been charged by the Islamic rulers with spreading Christianity.

Myanmar Closes Christian Orphanages

Christian ministries in Myanmar (formerly Burma) are dazed after being told to close their orphanages and other child-care and feeding programs for the poor.

Myanmar Closes Christian Orphanages

Christian ministries in Myanmar (formerly Burma) are dazed after being told to close their orphanages and other child-care and feeding programs for the poor.

Urgent Appeal to Halt Execution of North Korean Christians

YUNNAN PROVINCE, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (ANS) — Christian Solidarity Worldwide is raising urgent concern for a group of North Koreans who are in the process of being sent back to North Korea, where they are in danger of execution.

Pakistan’s Christians Told to ‘Protect Themselves’

ISTANBUL, September 9 (Compass) — In the wake of two more deadly terrorist attacks against Christian institutions in Pakistan in early August, government security officials have advised local church leaders to arm themselves for possible assaults by Muslim extremists.

Pakistan Sentences Another Christian to Death

ISTANBUL, July 1 (Compass) — Another Christian was sentenced to death in Pakistan two days ago, joining Ayub Masih in the line-up of Pakistani Christians on death row for alleged blasphemy against Islam.

Worthy Christian News