Leftists RAGE After Evangelical Leaders Sign ‘Nashville Statement’ Affirming Biblical View Of Sexuality

The sexual revolution has inflicted great damage on Western culture, producing broken homes, out-of-wedlock births, abortion, the redefinition of marriage, and now the promulgation of transgender theory, indoctrination from which even kindergartners are not exempt. To combat this seemingly unstoppable movement, a group of high-profile evangelical leaders, from John Piper to Francis Chan to Tony Perkins, signed what is now known as “The Nashville Statement,” affirming the biblical notion of sexuality, marriage, family, and gender.

1st Century Town Discovered in Israel

The construction of a resort in Galilee for Christian pilgrims may have inadvertently uncovered the hometown of the biblical Mary Magdalene.

Iran: Convert from Islam jailed for 10 years

A convert from Islam has been sentenced to ten years in jail for distributing 12,000 pocket-sized Gospels in the Islamic Republic of Iran, according to BarnabasAid.

Muslim author claims Jesus was Illiterate

zealot-jesus-of-nazerethAuthor Reza Aslan claims Jesus was just a lowly laborer who lacked the education required to read the Torah, or any other text no matter the language, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Belarus Not To Evict Massive Evangelical Church

One of the largest evangelical congregations in Belarus confirmed that authorities at the last moment decided not to evict them from their building, following years of judicial wrangling.

62-year-old Missionary Shot in Pakistan

A Protestant missionary remains in critical condition in Jinnah Hospital, Lahore, after she was shot by gunmen multiple times Tuesday.

Church fire under investigation in Turkmenistan

Some churches in Turkmenistan have literally come under fire after the Baptist House of Prayer in Turkmenbashi was recently razed, according to Slavic Gospel Association spokesman Joel Griffith.

Security agents scare parishioners from churches

iran flagAlthough Halloween isn’t celebrated in an Islamic Republic, state security agents have been scaring away potential parishioners from both St. Luke’s and St. Paul’s churches in Esfahan to prevent Iranians from following Christianity.

Christian Deaths Climb in Eritrean Prisons

Three Christians imprisoned for the testimony of Christ have died during the past months in Eritrea, including a 42-year-old man in solitary confinement Friday, according to a Christian support organization.

Pentecostal Pastors Accused of Forced Proselytism

india mapPolice arrested three pastors of the Gospel Messengers Team along with the couple who hosted them in Bighapur on false charges of forcibly converting people of other religions.

Missionaries Face Severe Opposition in India

india mapSeveral Gospel for Asia missionaries are encountering intense opposition, but persecution is not uncommon in this part of the world: entire families have been forced to leave their homes and villages because of the cause of Christ.

Franklin Graham’s ‘Festival de Esperanza’ Draws Thousands in Los Angeles

Franklin Graham this past weekend held Spanish speaking meetings (Festival De Esperanza) – Festival of Hope – at The Home Depot Center, in Carson, California, where the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Trevor Freeze says hundreds of Hispanic hearts were warmed and changed forever by the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

China Detains House Church Members in Beijing

Police detained 16 more members of Beijing’s Shouwang House Church and placed others under house arrest: two were held in protective custody while the rest were sent to 10 different police stations; most were released by Sunday morning.

Worthy Christian News