Pro-and-Anti-Israel Rallies Take Place Throughout the World

As the conflict in Gaza entered its third week, pro-and-anti Israel rallies took place throughout the world. Since the beginning of the war, a surge in anti-Jewish hate crimes has taken place especially in Europe, leading to fears among Jewish communities that Europe is no longer a safe haven for its population.

Las Vegas Water Supply Drying Up as Lake Mead Drops to New Low

Las Vegas continues to grow, however its water supply is being depleted to new lows. The drought in the southwest will drop the water levels of Lake Mead to levels not seen since the 1930’s when the Hoover Dam stopped the flow of the Colorado River filling the reservoir.

California Residents Protest Cross Removal with More Crosses

american-christianityCalifornia citizens are protesting the removal of a large memorial cross by publicly displaying smaller crosses bearing messages for the atheists whose complaints caused the memorial to be taken down, according to International Christian Concern.

Franklin Graham’s ‘Festival de Esperanza’ Draws Thousands in Los Angeles

Franklin Graham this past weekend held Spanish speaking meetings (Festival De Esperanza) – Festival of Hope – at The Home Depot Center, in Carson, California, where the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s Trevor Freeze says hundreds of Hispanic hearts were warmed and changed forever by the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

US University Prohibits Thanking Jesus At Graduation

A professor at the government-funded University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) has prohibited a graduating student from saying “I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” in her own graduation speech, amid a heated debate over using that name in public across the United States, BosNewsLife monitored Wednesday, June 3.

Iran: ‘Apostasy’ Bill Appears Likely to Become Law

Without international pressure there is little to stop the Iranian government from ratifying a bill that will make “apostasy,” or leaving Islam, a capital crime, say human rights groups and experts.

China Releases American Pastor; Chinese Bishop Detained

An American pastor who disappeared after being detained by Chinese authorities for his involvement in human rights protests has arrived in the United States, but a key Chinese bishop leader has been detained, his friends and representatives said Tuesday, August 26.

Eritrea Shuts Christian Students into Shipping Containers

Authorities on Tuesday (August 5) locked up eight high school students at a military training school in metal shipping containers for objecting to the burning of hundreds of Bibles, sources told Compass.

Worthy Christian News