Louisiana passes bipartisan law: women must be informed of abortion-reversal pill

Louisiana has passed a bipartisan law requiring medical abortion providers to inform women that there is an abortion reversal pill if they change their mind about ending the pregnancy at an early enough stage, the Christian Post reports. Passed by the Republican-controlled legislature, and signed by Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards on Friday, Act 483 will go into effect on August 1.

China intensifies censorship of religious books in schools

A rights group that focuses on China has reported that, in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 1, the CCP intensified its nation-wide censorship of religious books and materials, Assist News reports. ChinaAid said in its report that a number of schools received notifications forbidding students to read religious books or use other faith-based materials.

Chinese Scientists Produce Genetically Modified Pigs for Human Transplant

While forced organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience in China has drawn worldwide condemnation, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been investing heavily in controversial research on using genetically modified pigs as a source of human organ transplantation, touting it as a “world first” achievement. And the cloning of pigs has long since entered “industrial scale.”

Bush-era Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Dies At 88

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who oversaw the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and helped transform the American military, has died in Taos, New Mexico. He was 88.

China Launches Crackdown On Church Members

Members of one of China’s largest unregistered churches face a new crackdown by Chinese authorities after their leading pastor was sentenced to nine years imprisonment on charges linked to his Christian activities Communist-run nation.

Iraq, Egypt and Jordan hold joint summit in Baghdad

Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq agreed to bolster security and economic cooperation at a tripartite summit on Sunday that saw an Egyptian head of state visit Iraq for the first time in three decades.

Chinese defection rumors coincide with Communists’ loyalty drive

Rumors about the defection of a high-ranking Chinese intelligence official to the United States circulated recently at the same time that the ruling Chinese Communist Party staged an unusual loyalty campaign to bolster ideological purity within the ranks of the 93 million-member ruling party.

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