Widespread Attacks Against India Christians Amid Tougher Laws

Christians in several states of India braced themselves Sunday, August 13, for a period of more violence amid fresh reports of attacks by Hindu militants and the adoption of tougher anti-conversion laws aimed at halting the spread of Christianity in the world’s largest Hindu nation of over one billion people.

Gospel for Asia Moves to Aid Flood Victims

Gospel for Asia (GFA) native mission leaders in India are moving quickly to bring aid and hope to victims of what is reported to be the country’s worst flooding in 200 years.

Pakistan Militants Attack Christians Over Cartoons

More anti-Christian violence was expected in Pakistan Thursday, February 16, as deadly protests against published cartoons of Prophet Mohammad spread across the country.

New Tribes Obeys Order to Leave Tribal Venezuela

Complying with President Hugo Chavez’s order to leave Venezuela’s indigenous lands by today, the last two New Tribes Mission (NTM) workers left the area late last week.

Christians Attacked, Houses Burned in Orissa, India

A pastor and his cousin charged with attempted forced conversion in Matiapada village, Orissa state, were released on bail yesterday, while five Hindu villagers charged with assault and setting fire to the pastor’s house are still in custody.

India Local Government OK’s ‘Anti-Christian’ Weapons Distribution

The government of India’s largest northwestern state, Rajasthan, has withdrawn criminal procedures against most militants of an influential Hindu nationalist organization involved in the massive distribution of ‘tridents’, three-sponged spears that have reportedly been used to intimidate the Christian minority, BosNewsLife learned Monday, January 23.

Christians in India Attacked at Bus Stand and at House

Hindu extremists attacked Christians in two incidents in the same district of Andhra Pradesh state on January 12 and 13, in one case dragging a pastor from a child’s birthday party and kicking him unconscious.

Nigerian Pastor Faces Arrest for Harboring Convert from Islam

For Pastor Zacheous Habu Bu Ngwenche, time is running out. In the next two weeks he may find himself back in police detention if he does not produce a convert from Islam abducted from his house by Muslim militants in September.

Nigerian Pastor Shines in the Shadow of Death

The Rev. Murtala Marti Dangora began his Christian life 25 years ago with a baptism of fire. While many people in Nigeria become Christians without difficulties, Rev. Dangora’s decision to convert from Islam brought an instant death sentence from Muslim authorities.

India Christians Killed, Pastor Detained In Clashes, Missionaries Say

Christian missionaries struggled to provide aid to earthquake victims in northern India Wednesday, October 19, after Christians and an education minister were among those killed in ethnic violence which rocked Assam state and Indian controlled Kashmir, Christian aid workers said.

Worthy Christian News