U.S. Pursuing Rigorous New Nuclear Inspection Regime in Iran

The United States is pursuing a rigorous new regime for international inspections of Iran’s nuclear program that includes access to off-limits military sites as well as increased transparency on the Islamic Republic’s often obfuscated enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, according to U.S. officials and congressional leaders spearheading the new inspection effort.

Iran, World Powers Reach Initial Nuke Deal

Iran and world powers reached a framework agreement on Thursday on curbing Iran’s nuclear program for at least a decade, a step towards a final pact that could end 12 years of brinkmanship, threats and confrontation.

Midnight Deadline Approaches Iran Nuke Deal

Marathon talks aimed at stopping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons entered their final scheduled day Tuesday with global powers racing to agree a framework deal by a midnight deadline, the Times of Israel reported.

Iran Nuke Deal Worse Than Israel Feared, Netanyahu Says

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Sunday against the emerging nuclear deal with Iran, as Iranian and Western officials in Lausanne, Switzerland were rushing to reach a framework agreement by an end-of-month deadline, the Times of Israel reported.

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