India: Christians under attack in Karnataka state

Christians in India’s Karnataka state came under a surge of violent attacks by Hindu extremists during the Christmas period last month, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Joining other Indian states, Karnataka has passed a new anti-conversion law that has reportedly encouraged Hindu nationalists to attack believers they falsely accuse of forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity.

Conservative religious parents have better success at transmitting faith to their children than moderates or liberals, study finds

A new study has found that religious conservative parents have greater success in passing their faith on to their children than liberal or moderate parents do, Christian Headlines (CH) reports. Published in the journal Sociology of Religion, the study contends this outcome is partly due to conservative parents being more likely to pray and discuss God in the home.

Canada: Thousands of pastors coordinate day to preach on Christian sexuality

In a response to the passing of a new Canadian law that bans ‘conversion therapy’ for gay people, some four thousand US pastors took Sunday, January 16 as a day on which to preach coordinated sermons on Christian sexuality, Church Leaders reports. The day of preaching was triggered by fear that a similar anti-conversion therapy law could be passed in America, and that it could ultimately lead to the criminalization of Christianity there.

US Supreme Court to hear appeal from Christian football coach fired for praying on the field

The US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Friday in the case of Joe Kennedy, a Christian high school football coach who was fired from his job in Washington state because he silently kneeled and prayed on the field after games, the Christian Post (CP) reports. Employed by the Bremerton School District, Kenney was suspended in 2015 because spectators and students could see him praying.

New study shows that reading the Bible increases hope

A recent study has shown that reading Scripture on a regular basis can substantially improve people’s sense of hope, Christianity Today (CT) reports. The study was conducted by the American Bible Society (ABS) with help from Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program.

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