Burmese army attacks third church in two weeks

As the conflict in Myanmar rages on, the Burmese military has now attacked a third church in two weeks in the country’s Kayah state, International Christian Concern reports. This attack follows a recent public call from Myanmar Cardinal Charles Bo for an end to assaults on places of worship.

Poll: 70% of Americans support same-sex marriage

A new Gallup poll shows US support for legal same-sex marriage is at a record high of 70%, Gallup reports. The poll also shows that, for the first time, a majority of Republicans (55%) also support legal same-sex marriage.

Poll: 46% of US voters believe Fauci lied over “gain-of-function” virus research; opinion divided along partisan/race lines

A new Rasmussen Reports poll has shown that only 40% of likely American voters believe chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has been truthful about US government funding for “gain-of-function” virus research: 46% believe he lied, and 15% are not sure. Moreover, the poll showed divisions along partisan and racial lines on the issue of whether Fauci lied or not.

U.S. Report Found It Plausible Covid-19 Leaked From Wuhan Lab

A report on the origins of Covid-19 by a U.S. government national laboratory concluded that the hypothesis claiming the virus leaked from a Chinese lab in Wuhan is plausible and deserves further investigation, according to people familiar with the classified document.

Washington state: Marijuana stores can offer free joint to people getting COVID-19 vaccine

As part of its COVID-19 vaccine drive, Washington state announced Monday that licensed marijuana stores in Washington state can offer a free joint to anyone over 21 who gets a COVID-19 shot at an on-site vaccine clinic by July 12, the Associated Press reports. Washington’s Liquor and Cannabis Board has called its drive the “Joints for Jabs” program.

Global Police Break International Crime Network

Global law enforcement agencies have busted an international crime network by monitoring encrypted phones used by criminals, officials announced Tuesday. The operation led to hundreds of arrests and drug and weapon seizures across 16 nations.

FBI’s encrypted communication platform facilitates massive international sting operation

An encrypted communications platform developed by the FBI facilitated a global sting operation that targeted criminality in 16 countries and resulted in over 800 arrests, the Washington Times reports. Led by the FBI, Operation Trojan involved the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the European Union police agency Europol and law enforcement agencies in delivering what police officials described as “an unprecedented blow” to criminal organizations.

Global Outage Of Government, News Sites

Multiple websites ranging from government to news sites went offline briefly across the globe, underscoring broader concerns about vulnerabilities in online communications.

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