Why the Muslim Brotherhood targets Christians

A pogrom against Christians is in keeping with the Muslim Brotherhood’s supremacist ideology, but according to PJ Media’s Andrew McCarthy, that pogrom says more about Egypt than the Brotherhood because this murderous Muslim movement came out of Egypt’s own Islamist culture.

Nigeria: Islamists attack Christian principal

Educational reforms in Nigeria’s Osun state have resulted in religious violence after Islamist youths beat a Christian principal unconscious last month, according to Morning Star News.

‘Three-Self’ Pastor taken by Chinese Police

Last month, Chinese police abruptly abducted a “Three-Self” pastor from his own state sanctioned church in Henan Province, according to International Christian Concern.

Vietnam: New Law Increases Religious Restrictions

Christian leaders in Vietnam are opposed to a proposed state law that would further increase restrictions on all their activities, requiring a permit for each and every circumstance, according to BarnabasAid.

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