White House slams Russia over veto on Syria chemical weapons probe

The White House admonished Russia on Wednesday after it vetoed a United Nations plan to continue an ongoing investigation that recently found Syria killed dozens of people with chemical weapons and implored the international body to renew the probe.

Russian bombers escorted away from US aircraft carrier

US Navy F/A-18 fighter jets were dispatched from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and escorted two Russian TU-95 bombers that were approaching the ship on Sunday, according to two US defense officials.

Australians in Israel honour Beersheba cavalry charge

Thousands of Australians had gathered in stands at a dust bowl called Be’ersheva River Park, where the Australian mounted troops began the charge that stormed the town a century ago.

House GOP delays tax bill rollout

House Republicans postponed the much-anticipated rollout of their tax reform proposal Tuesday night, an ominous sign for a direly needed legislative accomplishment for President Donald Trump and his party.

U.S. Pursuing Rigorous New Nuclear Inspection Regime in Iran

The United States is pursuing a rigorous new regime for international inspections of Iran’s nuclear program that includes access to off-limits military sites as well as increased transparency on the Islamic Republic’s often obfuscated enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear bomb, according to U.S. officials and congressional leaders spearheading the new inspection effort.

Manhattan Terror Attack Kills 8 and Injures 11

A driver plowed a pickup truck down a crowded bike path along the Hudson River in Manhattan on Tuesday, killing eight people and injuring 11 before being shot by a police officer in what officials are calling the deadliest terrorist attack on New York City since Sept. 11, 2001.

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