Trump Administration Removes Transgender Health Discrimination Protections

The US Department of Health published a new rule Friday asserting that protection against “sex discrimination” in health care applies only to people who are biologically male or female. Focussed on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, the final rule rolls back an Obama-era regulation which had added “gender identity” as grounds under which a person could suffer health care discrimination. Religious and conservative groups have welcomed the rule as protecting freedom of conscience and allowing federally funded medical practitioners and insurance companies to refuse the provision or coverage of transgender treatments. However, human rights groups are concerned the rule will leave trans-Americans without access to standard needed health care that is unrelated to sex change.

U.S. Supreme Court Forcing Christians To Hire Transgenders?

The U.S. Supreme Court will effectively decide whether Christian and conservative employers can be forced to hire transgender people and gays. Its case centers around a late funeral director who, in 2013, lost her job after telling her boss she would transition from male to female.

Hungary Passes Transgender Law

Hungary’s Parliament has approved legislation that bans transgender people from changing the gender they were assigned at birth on official documents.

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Nuns In Contraceptives Case

The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether nuns could be forced to facilitate abortion-causing drugs and other contraceptives such as sterilizations. Its first liberty case began Wednesday involving the Little Sisters of the Poor organization, which has been supporting the poor and dying since 1839.

Hungary Rejects Treaty On Violence Against Women

Rights group Amnesty International has condemned the Hungarian parliament’s rejection of an international treaty to combat violence against women amid a coronavirus pandemic. “This decision is extremely dangerous,” said David Vig, Amnesty’s Hungary director. “It comes at a time when reported domestic violence incidents in Hungary have doubled since the start of the [new coronavirus] COVID-19 lockdown” to halt the virus outbreak.

Journalists Suffer Arrests and Attacks In Pandemic

A survey by the world’s largest journalism group shows three in every four journalists have faced official restrictions, obstruction or intimidation in reporting on the new coronavirus disease COVID-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) also noticed that most staff and freelance journalists have “suffered pay cuts, lost revenue, job losses, canceled commissions, or worsening working conditions.”

Federal judge sides with transgender student in Va. bathroom case

A federal judge ruled Friday that a Virginia school district’s policy preventing transgender student Gavin Grimm from using boys’ bathroom facilities violates the U.S. Constitution, the latest ruling in a case remanded to lower courts by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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