Police in Hong Kong arrest hundreds on New Year’s Day

Hong Kong police arrested 400 people on New Year’s Day after what began as a peaceful protest deteriorated into protestors forming human chains and passing bricks to each other, police firing on them with tear gas.

Chinese Christians on the mainland punished for Hong Kong protests

Officials in China are extremely threatened by the involvement of Christians in recent mass protests in Hong Kong, with many churches on the mainland pinned for supposed extremism in recent months for their association with Christians in the Special Administrative Region.

More Roman Catholic sexual abuse history comes to light in Charlotte, North Carolina

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte released a list of 14 clergy Monday it said had been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors since its founding in 1972, including the names of six other clergy who had been credibly accused before the diocese’s founding, and 23 men who had been caught outside its jurisdiction.

Worthy Christian News