India: Hindu nationalist leader threatens violence unless local authorities shut all churches in tribal areas

A Hindu nationalist leader in India’s Madhya Pradesh state has demanded that local authorities shut down all churches in the state’s tribal areas, falsely claiming that Christians are carrying out mass conversions on “gullible indigenous peoples,” International Christian Concern reports. Head of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Azad Prem Singh threatened violent action if his January 11 demand is not met within 30 days.

Pakistan: Christian leader threatened with death for Facebook post criticizing Islam

A Christian lay leader in Pakistan was taken into police custody last month as hundreds of Muslims descended on his Lahore neighborhood threatening to kill him for sharing a post against Islam on his Facebook page, Morning Star News reports. The outraged mob also threatened to burn down homes in Raja Warris’ neighborhood in the Charar area of Lahore, causing Pakistani Christians in the community to flee for their lives.

China builds 135 factories inside Xinjiang detention camps; Rights advocate says ‘stop producing and sourcing from Xinjiang’

A new report by Buzzfeed News reveals that among hundreds of detention camps recently built by China in Xinjiang, at least 135 compounds hold factories where prisoners can be forced to produce goods for export into major supply chains around the world. The report is based on government records, interviews, and hundreds of satellite images, Buzzfeed News said.

Islamist Militants Kill Dozens In Niger

Suspected Islamist militants have killed scores of people in simultaneous attacks on two villages in Niger, near the border with Mali, security officials said.

Uganda: Female pastor raped by Islamic extremists for preaching the Gospel

Islamic extremists in Uganda raped a female church pastor last month, claiming they were “teaching her a lesson” for converting Muslims to Christianity, Morning Star News reports. The Pastor, who was not named for her protection, was attacked in Kapyani in the Kibuku District of eastern Uganda on December 21. Although Ugandan law allows freedom of religion, and Muslims are a small minority in the country, radical Islamic persecution of Christians is ongoing.

Indonesia Bans Islamic Defenders Front

Christians in a movement of former Muslims and other believers welcomed a decision by Indonesia’s government to ban an Islamist group that attacked churches and other targets.

Sudan Detains Church Arsonists

Sudan’s police reportedly detained nine men suspected of repeatedly burning church properties amid ongoing Islamic pressure on minority Christians.

Nigeria Fighters Kill and Kidnap Christians

Christian farming communities reportedly faced new attacks and abductions on Christmas Eve by suspected Islamic Fulani fighters who recently killed dozens of Christians.

Sudan: Amid hope of less Christian persecution, church tent is burned down 5 times and congregants threatened

Islamic terrorists in Sudan have burned down a church’s worship tent five times and have threatened to kill congregants if they put up another tent and continue to worship, Morning Star News reports. Sudanese Christians hope that Islamic persecution against them will diminish as dictator Omar al-Bashir was deposed in Apr. 2019 and Sudan has a new transitional government led by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

Russia Returns Icon To Bosnia Amid Tensions, Elections

Russia says it will return an Orthodox Church icon, presented to the Russian foreign minister in Bosnia-Herzegovina where local elections were held in a strategic city on Sunday. The announcement came after the gift triggered a protest from Ukraine.

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