Poll: Less than half of Americans pray every day

A 2021 poll by the Pew Research Center has found that 45% of US adults say they pray every day, compared to 55% in 2014 and 58% in 2007, the Christian Post (CP) reports. Conducted from May 29 to August 25, the poll found that 32% of US adults rarely or never pray.

New Report Details North Korea Regime Starves, Tortures Christians

A new report by human rights organization Korea Future attests that the North Korean communist regime uses imprisonment, torture, and starvation to persecute Christians, Christian Today (CT) reports. North Korea ranks one on the US Open Doors Watch List 2021 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

New Poll: Nearly 30% of Americans have no Religious Affiliation

A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows that 29% of US adults say they have no religious affiliation, the Washington Examiner reports. The poll defines those who are unaffiliated as “people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or ‘nothing in particular’ when asked about their religious identity.”

Myanmar: Burmese Army plants landmines in destroyed churches

The Burmese Army in Myanmar’s Chin state has now taken to planting landmines inside the ruins of churches it has destroyed, in order to deter Christians from returning to rebuild the communities the junta has driven them out from, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Since the February 1 military coup, the Tatmadaw has been murdering and displacing Myanmar Christians in its efforts to violently impose Buddhism.

Report shows 70% increase in hate crimes against Christians in Europe

A new study shows that hate crimes against Protestants and Catholics increased by 70% in Europe last year, the Christian Post (CP) reports. The Observatory on Intolerance Against Christians in Europe (OIDAC) presented its report amid concerns about an ongoing decline in religious, parental, and conscience freedoms for European Christians.

Indonesia: Islamic radicals attack Christian home believing it to be a church

It was only recently reported that Islamic radicals in East Java, Indonesia, attacked and extensively damaged the home of a Protestant Christian man at the end of last month, apparently believing the house to be a church, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Indonesia’s Ministry of Religious Affairs has reportedly launched an investigation into the attack.

Chile: Two more churches destroyed in ongoing wave of arson attacks

In the latest of a wave of arson attacks on churches in Chile, two churches in the Biobio region were burned to the ground on October 12, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. The attacks on both Protestant and Catholic churches in Chile began in 2015.

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America installs first transgender bishop

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) on Saturday installed its first openly transgender bishop, DW reports. Reverend Megan Rohrer, who goes by the pronouns “they” and “he,” was installed as bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod during a ceremony at the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.

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