Hindus persecute Christians for Christmas

More than 15 Hindus surrounded a handful of Christians from the Rehoboth Prayer House as they handed out Bibles in Hyderabad, India, during Christmas week.

India: Hindus asault Christians

Forty Christians were severely beaten by Hindu nationals in India’s Telangana state last month after holding a prayer meeting in a private home.

India: Resolution Bans Christianity

Christians in India’s Chhattisgarh state have been assaulted by Hindus after a local resolution banning all non-Hindu religious activities in their village was passed.

India: Police Arrest Pastor

Last month, local police escorted a mob that stormed the home of a 70 year-old man in India’s Odisha state, assaulting all the Christians who were inside.

Indian Pastor Accused of Illegal Conversions

The pastor of a church in the village of Raiguda in India’s Orissa state was arrested earlier this month for “illegally” converting 300 people to Christianity.

India: Churches Attacked

In the early hours of June 28, suspected Hindu nationalists destroyed the cross of a church in India’s Bhiwani district, Haryana state, according to Barnabas Aid.

India: Hindu Nationalists Attack Local Christians

Hundreds of Christians were brutally attacked by Hindu nationalists during a Sunday church service last month in India’s Kerala state.

According to International Christian Concern, more than 400 believers — mostly converts to Christianity…

Hindu Nationalists Persecute Indian Pastor

Upon returning to their church from an Easter sunrise service on April 5, a pastor and his congregation met a mob of Hindus who had hung two nationalist flags inside the building.

India: ‘Freedom of Religion’ Law Fails

The failure of Hindu nationalists to pass a so-called freedom of religion law has been hailed as a victory for Christians and other religious minorities in India.

India: Christian Institutions Desecrated

The recent rape of an elderly nun in West Bengal, India, was part of a premeditated attack against Christian institutions, according to Morning Star News.

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