Justices consider Christian club’s use of public school facilities

WASHINGTON (ABP) — U.S. Supreme Court justices heard oral arguments Feb. 28 in a dispute over whether a Christian youth organization should be allowed to meet with children directly after school hours in an upstate New York public school. While the high court has before ruled in favor of religious groups using school facilities to discuss secular topics from a religious perspective, this raises new questions.

Fate of Good News Christian Clubs in Hands of U.S. Supreme Court

(AgapePress) – A case headed for the U.S. Supreme Court could decide the future of after-school Christian clubs.

Baptist Press reports the case involves the refusal of a New York school district to allow a Christian youth group, The Good News Club, to use school facilities after hours.

Is A Vote For Gore A Vote For The Antichrist?

Let me state flatly that I do not believe Al Gore is the Antichrist. But millions of conservatives around the world, religious and non-religious, are concerned with the United Nations earth-centered one-world environmentalism supported by such as he. Al Gore has suggested that his resume makes him better prepared for the White House than Bill Clinton was in 1992. Apocalyptically speaking, he may be right. Gore’s resume, especially as outlined in his book Earth in the Balance, contributes to an ominous, if not prophetic, global vision of the near future.

Laity key to church planting, conference speakers claim

WACO, Texas (ABP) — Church planting is too big a job for just seminary-trained ministers, conference leaders told a group of Baptist church starters. “Some of the best church planters in the world today are not ordained pastors,” Charles Brock, a 20-year veteran church planter in the Philippines, said during a three-day event sponsored by the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

Five Christians Released in Brunei

LOS ANGELES, March 1 (Compass) — Five of seven Christians arrested in December and January for alleged “cult” activities and detained under Brunei’s Internal Security Act have been released. It was not known if any conditions were attached to their release, which occurred during the week of February 12, but they were reportedly told not to leave the country or talk about their detention, according to a source who did not want to be identified.

Religious Freedom in the Classroom Disputed in Chile

SANTIAGO, Chile (Compass) — The issue of religious discrimination is in the public spotlight in Chile, due to the case of San Pedro de la Paz, a town some 300 miles south of Santiago. There a Baptist lawyer named Raul Romero has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Education and Gospel Task Force for Chile because of evident acts of religious discrimination against evangelical students in the community schools.

On Cults, Leaders and Politics in China


“Here we only have one registered church, which is packed out with people standing in the courtyard. However, since the church was opened, none of the accounts listing all the believers’ donations have ever been made public to them. The pastor has dismissed several Christians who originally were responsible for the finances. He also hands over the donations to the Religious Affairs Bureau to use. Not long ago, several elderly believers formed a church, but the Three Self pastor asked the Religious Affairs Bureau not to grant them a license and called the police to come and arrest them. Can such a church be blessed by God? How can it cause the gospel to spread?”

— Letter from a Christian in Anhui dated March 29, 2000

High Profile Prisoner Released, but Others Arrested in China

HONG KONG (Compass) — Zhang Rongliang, also known as David Zhang, is at large in China despite receiving a three-years’ hard labor sentence in December 1999. Reliable reports from central China say he was able to buy himself out of jail. But Born Again movement leader Xu Yongze remains incarcerated, despite having completed his three-year sentence on March 15, and 10 more house church leaders were arrested in southeast China in May.

Making Theology Compatible With Socialism

Under the cover of “theological construction,” or making theology compatible with socialist society, liberal leaders of the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and the China Christian Council (CCC) have launched a wide-ranging attack against evangelical theology in China.

Egyptian Court Convicts Christian Villager of Murder

ISTANBUL, June 8 (Compass) — In a long-deferred judgment handed down June 5, the Sohag Criminal Court ruled Coptic Christian villager Shaiboub Arsal guilty of the 1998 double murder of his cousin and another young Copt in southern Egypt’s El-Kosheh village.

Why TBN’s Paul Crouch Does Not Understand China

Paul Crouch got it wrong. In fact, Christian leaders only get it that wrong once or twice a decade. The last time a Christian leader visited China and swallowed and disgorged official propaganda so obligingly for his Chinese hosts was Dr. George Carey, the current Archbishop of Canterbury, in September 1994.

Cuban Church Closed on Easter

LOS ANGELES (Compass) — Cuban government authorities closed a Baptist church in a Havana suburb on Easter Sunday. Members of the church must comply with the April 23 closure order or face fines or a court trial for contempt, said a pastor of another denomination who spoke on condition that his name not be used. He said that the closed church is affiliated with Cuba’s Western Baptist denomination, a sister denomination of the Southern Baptist Convention in the United States.

Egypt Acquits All Muslim Murder Suspects

ISTANBUL, February 6 (Compass) — Instead of convicting the Muslim murder suspects accused of killing 21 Christians in last year’s El-Kosheh massacre, a judge in southern Egypt has accused the local Coptic clergy of responsibility for the three-day rampage.

Worthy Christian News