Border wall battle could spark a government shutdown

President Trump’s proposal to fund an extension of the nation’s southern border wall is pitting most Republicans against Democrats in a battle that could end up in a partial government shutdown.

Russia-Financed Facebook Ads Had Diverse Targets

Russia-financed Facebook ads turned over to congressional panels show that Democratic strongholds like California, New York and Maryland were targeted along with the battleground states of Wisconsin and Michigan, according to a Republican official on the House Intelligence Committee.

Trump vows another healthcare vote next year, eyes executive order

President Donald Trump, faced with the latest Republican failure to undo Obamacare, pledged on Wednesday to tackle it again next year, suggesting without evidence that he had the votes to pass reform and promising to work with Democrats in the meantime.

Senate GOP shelves Obamacare repeal

Senate leaders on Tuesday canceled plans to vote on an Obamacare repeal this week, marking a third straight failure for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and fellow Republicans who have been unable to fulfill their campaign promise.

Schumer, Pelosi announce deal with Trump on Dreamers

Democratic leaders emerged from a dinner meeting Wednesday night with President Trump to say they had worked out a deal to grant permanent protections to young illegal immigrants — without having to accept funding for the president’s proposed border wall.

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