Panjshir bombed by Pakistani Air Force drones

Panjshir province, the last bastion of resistance forces in Afghanistan, was bombed by Pakistani Air Force drones, reports said on Sunday. Former Samangan MP Zia Arianjad was quoted as saying by Aamaj News that Pakistani drones have bombed Panjshir using smart bombs.

Nigeria Christians Mourn Scores Killed As Kidnappings Continue

Christians in central and northern Nigeria say they are mourning scores of fellow-believers killed in recent weeks by Islamic militants. They also remain concerned about ongoing kidnappings of Christian students, including in the nation’s troubled northeast, Worthy News learned.

Afghanistan has $1 trillion worth of essential mineral deposits

Although Afghanistan is desperately poor, the Taliban now rule over a nation with nearly $1 trillion worth of mineral deposits that the world needs to manufacture clean technologies, CNN Business reports. Experts have said that Afghanistan has the natural resources to become one of the region’s richest countries within 10 years.

Pakistan persecution: Two Christians poisoned to death by Islamists

There is fresh concern for the welfare of Christians in Pakistan after two believers were poisoned to death by respective Muslim acquaintances earlier this year, International Christian Concern reports. Rights advocates report that the level of persecution against Christians in Pakistan is “extreme.”

Pakistan court upholds life sentence for Christian accused of sending text messages against Islam

A court of appeals in Pakistan has upheld the life sentence of Zafar Bhatti, a Christian man who was convicted and imprisoned in 2017 for supposedly sending insulting text messages Islam’s prophet Mohammed, Morning Star News reports. Pakistan is one of nine nations the US has designated a “Country of Particular Concern” for severe violations of religious freedom.

Pakistan persecution: Christian woman abducted, raped, beaten by Islamic attackers; “Please Pray”

A Christian woman in Pakistan was abducted on April 1 by Muslim men who drugged, beat, and raped her during the 20 days they held her captive, International Christian Concern reports. Pakistan ranks 5 on the US Open Doors watch list of 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted; Christian girls and women are frequently abducted and murdered with no action being taken against the perpetrators.

Pakistan Train Crash Kills Dozens

Two passenger trains collided Monday in southern Pakistan, killing at least 35 people and injuring dozens more, authorities say.

Worthy Christian News