Supreme Court Rejects Planned Parenthood Over Arkansas Law

The U.S. Supreme Court let Arkansas start enforcing a law that effectively bars pill-induced abortions, turning away an appeal by two Planned Parenthood clinics and at least temporarily leaving the state with only one abortion provider.

Iowa Republicans target Roe v. Wade with new abortion law

Iowa Republicans are hoping their new law banning abortion after six weeks lands in the Supreme Court, but experts say it’s not clear the fight will get that far, and say it might first require a shift in the court’s composition.

Defunding Planned Parenthood: Donald Trump’s Good Start

Thursday evening the Trump administration announced a measure that pro-life advocates have been seeking since the Clinton administration — restoration of Reagan-era rules that ‘require a ‘bright line’ of physical and financial separation between Title X services and providers that perform, support, or refer to abortion as a method of family planning.’ To understand Title X, and its role in the abortion debate, requires a bit of background.

U.S. taxpayers give Planned Parenthood cash to fund all abortions

American taxpayers gave Planned Parenthood $1.3 billion over a three-year period, enough money for every abortion the company provided, including half-a-billion dollars that went to divisions later referred for investigation of their unborn-baby body-parts trade.

Pro-life Advocates Win Court Victory in Free Speech Case

On January 29, 2018, a federal judge told participants in a lawsuit forcing pro-life sidewalk counselors to defend themselves against harassment charges, that leafletting is a “form of really protected speech,” and that sidewalks are recognized as the “quintessential public forum.” The words from the bench underscored the arguments of Thomas More Society Special Counsel Martin Cannon. Cannon is defending a group of pro-life advocates who are being charged by New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman in a federal lawsuit that accuses them of threats and violence against abortion clinic patients.

FBI Finally Investigates Planned Parenthood’s Human Remains Trafficking Scheme

After years of investigations that began primarily due to whistleblower videos, the FBI has finally decided to investigate Planned Parenthood for trafficking in human remains from abortion. Between that and the Center for Medical Progress’s latest undercover video showing how PP colluded with medical company StemExpress to sell the most aborted baby parts for the most profit, the GOP should finally defund this shady organization that still receives a large guaranteed taxpayer subsidy.

FBI asks for Senate docs in fetal tissue probe: Report

The FBI has reportedly asked the Senate for unredacted documents obtained from abortion providers, which may signal an investigation into Planned Parenthood and other parties involved in the market for fetal tissue from abortions.

Twitter Blocks Rep. Blackburn Ad Over Pro Life Message

Twitter blocked a video ad that announced the Senate candidacy of Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., because the social media giant said a pro life message in it was ‘an inflammatory statement.’

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