Cameroon: Boko Haram murders four civilians in area known for attacks on Christians

Boko Haram terrorists on Wednesday murdered at least four civilians in the far north of Cameroon, a region where Christians are frequently attacked by Islamic militants who want to rid the nation of “infidels,” International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Cameroon ranks 42 on the US Open Doors Watch List 2021 of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

‘Terrorist Incident In Liverpool’

British police say they treat a deadly bomb blast in a taxi outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital on Remembrance as a “terror incident.”

Burkina Faso: 147 Christians forced to flee their homes from Islamic terrorists

The Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) non-profit organization has been told that 147 Christians, including children, elderly and pregnant women, fled from two villages on the Niger border in Burkina Faso last month, as Islamic extremists were seeking to kill them, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Kenya court dismisses case against Somali Christian

A Somali Christian who was falsely charged in 2019 with selling hard drugs, and whose bail was paid by International Christian Concern (ICC), had his case dismissed by a court in Kenya last month, ICC reports.

Nigeria: Fulani herdsmen murder Evangelist who “positively impacted thousands of lives for Christ”

As the murder of Christians in Nigeria continues unabated, on October 14 Dr. Habila Solomon, a beloved pastor and evangelist, was shot dead at his home in Taraba state by suspected Muslim Fulani militants, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. At least 3,462 Christians were murdered by Islamic militants from January to July 2021 alone; the majority of these murders were carried out by Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorists.

Nigeria: Boko Haram attack Christian community, murder two; “please pray”

Boko Haram Islamic terrorists murdered two Christians and set many homes on fire during an October 5 attack on a Christian community in Chibok in Nigeria’s Borno state, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Over 3,400 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic militants this year.

Bennett to ask Putin to keep Iran away from Golan Heights

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is set to ask Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to lean on Iran regarding its forces stationed in Syria near Israel’s northern border, when the pair meet later this week.

Colin Powell ‘Dies Of COVID-19’

Colin Powell, who served as America’s first Black national security adviser, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of State during challenging times, has died, his family says.

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