For decades Graham offered counsel and comfort to presidents

He was rebuffed, then embraced, by Harry Truman. Confided in — and deeply hurt by — Richard Nixon. A source of reassurance for George H.W. Bush on the eve of war. The spark that finally turned George W. Bush toward sobriety.

Over 80 Killed in Benue State, Nigeria in January

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that more than 80 Christians have been killed in Benue State, Nigeria by Fulani militants since January 1. These attacks have mainly taken place in two locations within the state, Logo and Guma Counties. Logo saw more than 50 deaths in just the first week of the new year by Fulani attacks, while Guma suffered more than 30.

Australians in Israel honour Beersheba cavalry charge

Thousands of Australians had gathered in stands at a dust bowl called Be’ersheva River Park, where the Australian mounted troops began the charge that stormed the town a century ago.

Federal court upholds prayer in Congress

A federal court ruled Wednesday that Congress can continue to open its sessions each day with a prayer, and upheld the House’s ability to pick and choose who’s allowed to lead the prayer.

Trump rolls out proposal to simplify tax code, cut taxes for millions

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump said he would lower tax rates and slim the federal tax code, cutting millions of people out of any income tax liability at all as he unveiled his plan Monday, joining a growing list of Republicans pushing for a scaled-down, simpler system.

Christians in CAR threatened by Islamists

central-africa-republicMore than four months after Islamic rebels seized control of the Christian-majority Central African Republic (CAR), many non-Muslims are now faced with the prospect of being forced to live under Islamic law, according to Morning Star News.

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